7 Potential Reasons Why Your Menstrual Cycle Is Getting Shorter
Variations in menstrual cycle length are natural and usually no cause for concern. Discover the possible reasons your menstrual cycle is getting shorter.
How Oura Can Help Monitor Illness
Your body is unique, and every person shows different patterns of strain, recovery, and illness. Learn how to spot yours.
Building “Movement for All” at Oura: Meet Maris J., Our Activity Product Manager
A marathon runner, former insomniac, and Oura member (and now employee!), Maris J. has made it her mission to make all movement count.
5 Bedtime Snack Recipes for Better Sleep
While certain foods and big meals are a no-go before bed, you have the green light to dig into these tasty treats that can help you fall — and stay — asleep.
9 Simple (and Science-Backed!) Ways to Lower Stress
These nine ways to lower stress are simple yet effective. From reaching out to a loved one, to changing your diet – here’s how to manage stress.
The Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain
If lower back pain is causing you restless sleep, learn what might be causing it and the best sleeping position to alleviate it.
Study Uses Oura to Track 50 Million Nights of Sleep to Analyze Global Sleeping Patterns
Researchers examined data from 50 million nights of sleep in 35 countries to learn how sleep duration and quality differ geographically and culturally.
Why Do I Wake Up Tired? How to Feel More Alert in the Morning
To feel more energized upon waking, it's important to learn about the science of sleep inertia and what you can do to prevent it.
How to Structure Your Ideal Day as an Evening Chronotype
Evening chronotypes, or “night owls,” tend to stay up — and sleep in — later. Here, learn how to align your daily schedule with your body clock.
Why Is My Heart Rate High in the Morning?
Having an elevated heart rate when you wake up can inspire all kinds of questions. Here's a primer on what to do when this happens.
What Causes Low HRV During Sleep?
Learn more about how — and why — this biometric fluctuates during the night.
How to Structure Your Ideal Day as a Morning Chronotype
Morning chronotypes or “early birds," thrive in the mornings. Here’s how to create a sleep, work, and exercise routine that aligns with your body clock.