The Oura team has been working hard on a host of features that add even more value to your Oura membership — including more accurate automatic activity detection, improved tagging options, and our interactive innovation hub, Oura Labs

We know there’s a lot going on (both at Oura and in your busy life!). To help you stay up to speed, we’re introducing a new quarterly roundup of the latest new features and improvements: Made for Members. 

Whether you’re already enjoying these features or haven’t had a chance yet, we hope you take a moment to explore what’s new in the Oura App.

Oura Labs

Oura Ring | Oura Labs

Oura Labs is a new innovation hub where members, researchers, and the Oura team can work together to drive trailblazing new features that change the way we think about health. When you opt into Oura Labs, you’ll gain exclusive access to test experimental features, provide feedback, and stay up to date with the latest Oura research. Currently only available on iOS.

Symptom Radar 

Oura Symptom Radar

Symptom Radar, the first experimental feature available in Oura Labs, monitors your biometric trends such as body temperature trends, respiratory rate, and resting heart rate. When it detects any signs your body is under strain, you’ll see a notification in Home, giving you a heads up that it might be time to focus on rest and recovery. Currently only available on iOS.

New Trends in Home

Oura Trends in Home

With the goal of helping members see the bigger picture of their holistic health, we’ve updated the Trends you’ll see in the Home tab. Based on the health focus areas in your profile, we’ve determined which specific metrics should be of greater focus, and if there’s an interesting change with one of those, Oura will highlight that change as a Trend. Examples may include positive or negative trends in your total sleep, inactive time, walking equivalency, or heart rate variability.   

More Accurate Automatic Activity Detection 

Oura | Automatic Activity Detection Update
Delivering on our mission to make all movement count, we’re proud to announce that Oura’s Automatic Activity Detection (AAD) feature is 89% accurate.* Now, Oura is better than ever before at detecting what type of activity you’re doing and for how long — selecting from a database of 40 activities, including downhill skiing, yoga, pickleball, and housework.

LEARN MORE: Inside the Ring: How We Improved Automatic Activity Detection (AAD)

New Tagging Updates

Custom Tag: Ice Bath

With the exciting new additions of Custom Tags, Tag Details, and Smart Tags to Oura’s Tags feature, it’s easier than ever for Oura members to use tags to draw connections between habits, behaviors, and environmental factors and how they affect the body. You can now create and add custom tags; provide detailed information about tags; and receive Oura’s “smart” suggestions for tags when your Sleep Score is higher or lower than usual. 

Find My Ring

Find My Ring | Oura App

Misplaced your Oura Ring? If you’re an iOS user, you can now use the Find My Ring feature in the Oura App when you enable Location Services. Then, the latest location from when your device was connected to your Oura Ring will appear in an Apple Map.  

Membership Hub & Annual Plan 

Oura Ring | Membership

The all-new Membership Hub makes it easy to manage your Oura Membership. In the Membership Hub, you can choose your type of payment plan (annual plans are now available!), edit your payment details, view or download past invoices, and more. 

LEARN MORE: Oura Membership 


In case you missed it, a few more new features we’ve recently introduced: 


Track your daily stress and recovery, and monitor how this delicate balance influences your resilience to stress over time.

Pregnancy Insights

With data-driven guidance and content, Pregnancy Insights supports Oura members during pregnancy and beyond.

Oura + Strava

This powerful integration allows Oura and Strava members to understand their performance, rest, and recovery all in one place.

*Accuracy calculation is based on when any one of 40+ activities are detected by Oura and not dismissed by the member.