Heart Health

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Oura Team

Oura was founded in Finland in 2013 with a singular focus: to improve the way we live our lives. United by a shared mission to empower people to own their potential, the Oura Team is made up of scientists, engineers, data analysts, researchers, health writers, and more. We are here to help you navigate the vulnerability of health through personal guidance, and we all are unwavering in our commitment to accuracy, validation, and design.

All About Cardio Capacity (VO2 Max)

Oura now estimates your cardio capacity, or VO2 max. Here’s why this health metric matters, and what steps you can take to improve it.

8 Ways to Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Take control of your heart health with these research-backed strategies, and monitor your progress with Oura to make the journey easier. 

Oura Ring Cardiovascular Age | Man lying down with hand on chest

All About Cardiovascular Age

Using pulse wave velocity (PWV), the scientific gold-standard measurement, Oura’s Cardiovascular Age feature estimates how your heart is aging compared to your chronological age.

Woman Working in Garden Wearing Oura Ring

7 Must-Know Facts About Heart Disease in Women

Learn why cardiovascular disease in women is more common (and more deadly) than you may think; plus essential steps to protect your heart for the long run.