Devin Burke is a TEDx speaker, Bestselling Author, Sleep Coach, and Founder of Sleep Science Academy. He’s been using Oura in his life for 4 years and with his clients for 3 years.

Devin & Sleep Science Academy

“When it comes to sleep, I put people into three different buckets. There are people that have issues with their sleep. And that’s a very large bucket. There are the people that don’t have issues with their sleep, but they want to optimize their life, the ‘let me get all the juice for the squeeze’ biohackers. That’s a much, much smaller demographic. And then there are the people that we help at Sleep Science Academy that have really bad chronic insomnia that’s destroying their lives, their health, their businesses, and their relationships.”

«If you put these three demographics on a spectrum, there’s the biohackers, the people that already sleep pretty good and want to sleep great, then there’s this huge bucket of people that really don’t sleep well but it’s not a huge problem for yet, and then at the other end of the spectrum there are people that are literally having panic attacks and experiencing what we call ‘bed dread’ because they can’t get or stay asleep. Those are the types of people that Sleep Science Academy aims to help. The people that have tried all the sleep hygiene, all the sleep supplements, purchased a new mattress, and are making the room cold and dark, taking hot magnesium baths, etc. and they’re still struggling to get the sleep they need to live.»

Why Devin Chose Oura

“At this point, I’ve been using Oura since the second-generation ring and have found it very valuable. And then I decided to bring it into Sleep Science Academy. Oura is an amazing tool that we use to help our clients understand their sleep and to help them start helping themselves.

We believe that you can’t manage what you don’t measure, and you can’t master what you don’t manage. What I love about the Oura Ring is that it gives us tangible data to make educated decisions on, and also really helps us implement some of the tools and techniques we use in certain phases while we help clients more effectively versus the old way of trying to keep a sleep diary and having to look at the clock. Oura helps our clients implement certain proven science-backed techniques while providing tangible data that we can look at and say, ‘Okay, well, based on what we’re seeing in the data, here are some strategies, and tools to help them solved their sleep at the root level vs symptom level.”’ Having an Oura ring is kinda like getting a blood test for your sleep. Having this kind of data at our fingertips is powerful because it allows us to really help our clients take action on the data and see the changes night after night.”

“The reason Oura stood out from other devices is, first, I believe it is the least invasive, most accurate sleep tracking device. A lot of these other devices that you have to wear on your wrist, head, or put on your bed… people don’t just don’t like. They’d rather have something small on their finger than something invasive on their wrist, head, or bed. There are so many other devices out there that help with sleep, but none like Oura. So, besides being non-invasive, another thing that really attracted me to Oura was its accuracy. 

At Sleep Science Academy, we look at Sleep Latency and Sleep Efficiency. Those are the two we focus on first. Then we look at sleep quality, which comes from looking at each person’s sleep stages. And so we start our program by helping clients get enough sleep, then we start to work on the quality of the sleep they are getting.

Oura is the best thing that we have now to really look at sleep trends to help clients implement sleep-promoting techniques. At Sleep Science Academy our coaches are never looking at one night, or really even a week, of sleep, we’re looking at several weeks or months. It does take time to test, experiment, and implement some of the mind-body techniques that we have our clients use but they always tell us it’s worth it when they are sleeping naturally again. Everybody’s different, and Oura knows that as well — which can be invaluable when trying to make real change.”

A Final Word From Devin

“Earlier I categorized these three different buckets of people with different relationships with sleep. Each person in each bucket has different needs. The cool part? Oura can be useful to each person in each of these demographics. Each person can use the Oura Ring, and should use it, in very different ways.”

About Devin

Devin Burke is the founder of Sleep Science Academy, an international and TEDx speaker, bestselling author of, “The Sleep Advantage – Optimize Your Night To Win Your Day” and was named one of the “Top 25 Health Coaches in America.” His books, keynotes, programs, and videos have inspired thousands of people to improve their sleep, energy, and life.

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